10 benefits of exercising more mindfully

Doing things slowly and mindfully does not come naturally to me. And it took me a long time to buy into the idea that doing so would benefit my health & fitness.

If I'm honest it actually took...

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Why you go from being "really good" to being "really bad" with food.

If you’ve ever been on a diet, a “health kick”, a detox or a fitness program, you will also have experienced what it feels like to “fall off the wagon”.

You might have...

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Why everyone can benefit from a Health Coach (including you)

One of the questions I get asked the most is what the difference is between a Health Coach and a Dietitian or a Nutritionist. The short answer is that as a Health Coach, I don't just limit myself...

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Here we go again. A New Year. And potentially a New You.

If you feel disillusioned by failed attempts to turn things around in the past, don't be.

The New Year is a great time to take stock of...

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Want to lose weight & improve your health in 2020? Make sleep a priority

Over the last few years I have helped hundreds of clients reclaim their glow by helping them get leaner, stronger, more confident, more productive and more at peace within themselves, but my...

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6 hacks for a healthier Christmas

The festive season can be a challenging time to eat healthy and make time for exercise but the following hacks take very little time and will definitely limit the damage this Christmas!

1. Change...

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What to eat to beat the hangover

Let's start by saying that alcohol is bad for your health and that none of us should be having it. But we still do :) Including myself on occasions!

Last night was such an occasion and despite...

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A mindful foodie does New York

NYC is one of my favorite cities in the World.

I love the energy, I love the people and above all, I love the food!

Here's where you'll find me indulging when I'm in the city:

For coffee:


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Why cardio training is overrated

One of the questions I get asked a lot is: What do you do for cardio?

This question is an interesting one for me because it reminds me of all those hours, weeks & years I spent on a treadmill...

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9 simple hacks for healthier meals

It may sound obvious but I always say that the first step to eating healthier is having healthier food in your fridge! 

The benefits of adopting a healthier diet are...

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